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FDIC-Insured—Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

Business Cards

Business Credit Cards

In partnership with Elan Financial Services, we offer three types of credit cards that cater to our businesses’ various needs:

  • Business Card: Small businesses with an average of two employee cards with card spending less than $50,000 annually

  • Company Card: Medium-sized businesses with card spending greater than $50,000 annually and well-established company credit history

  • Corporate Card: Large, publicly traded businesses with between 100 to 1,000 employee cards and card spending greater than $50,000 annually

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Business Debit Cards

Your Clay County Saving Bank Visa® Contactless Debit Card offers the convenience of checking plus the added value of safety, easy recordkeeping, and affordability. The Clay County Savings Bank Visa® Debit Card may be used at millions of establishments around the world. You also have access to your accounts surcharge-free at ATMs that participate in the SHAZAM Privileged Status or Presto! Network ATM locations across the nation.